Crop Circle Locusts

Aumhur avatar

These peculiar creatures have baffled both scientists and conspiracy theorists alike.

The Crop Circle Locusts are highly intelligent beings, albeit with a penchant for mischief. They travel from field to field, devouring mathematical circle patterns in crops. But why? Simply put, it amuses them! These intricate crop circles, seen in various locations worldwide, are their handiwork. Each formation is unique, and you’ll never encounter the same pattern twice.

Some speculate that the locusts are attempting to communicate with other groups of locusts or extra-terrestrial beings. Perhaps they’re sending cryptic messages across the cosmos. However, the truth is more whimsical: They create these patterns purely for their own entertainment. Imagine them giggling as they meticulously nibble away at crops!

Different groups of Crop Circle Locusts leave behind distinct circular patterns. These patterns act as their signatures, allowing researchers to track their movements. So, if you stumble upon a crop circle resembling a complex geometric design, you might just be witnessing the artistic expression of these mischievous locusts.

Remember, the next time you encounter a crop circle, consider the possibility that it’s not aliens or secret messages—it might just be the work of these playful, brainy locusts! 

Look very much the same as normal locusts, but smarter.

Eating fields of corn and the like in mathematical circular patterns.

The Crop Circle Locust has no voice but can make a harsh humming sound with its back legs.

Fields of corn and grasses.

Wheat, barley, maize, oats and tall grasses.

The Crop Circle Locust breed enthusiastically for many days during the winter months when crops are in short supply.

Movements and Migrations
The Crop Circle Locusts move about according to a complicated mathematical sequence devised by the leading locust.

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