The Long Walk

The Long Walk

SonAre we there yet?
DadNo son, it’s just around the corner.
SonOh! Okay dad.
Time passes.
SonAre we there yet?
DadNo son. As I told you, it’s just around the corner. Now stop asking.
SonBut I’m tired, we’ve been walking for ages.
DadYou’ve only been walking for an hour. Now come on, get a move on.
SonBut my feet hurt.
DadStop complaining, anyone would think you had been walking for miles.
SonIt feels like miles.
Time passes.
SonAre we there yet?
DadNO! Now stop asking. Stop whinging and get a move on. That snail will be taking you over soon.
SonBut he hasn’t been walking as long as us. His legs don’t hurt.
DadStop whinging. Look it’s only around the corner.
SonYou said that this morning.
DadYes. And I was right this morning.
SonCan’t we have a rest?
DadCome on, we are nearly there.
DadYes son?
SonI wish we weren’t tortoises.
DadWhy is that son?
SonWe would have been around this corner hours ago.



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This site is not dead and contains no pizza.

It does contain various stories, skits and other random stuff.

All the posts have passed through my mind at some point or other. Some posts have be inspired by other people or stories or parodied from but never plain copied.

This is my original work unless stated otherwise.