Charlie interviews Dorf and Mandy over the incident in the village.
Police Officer Charlie MGrew | Good evening Dorf. Can I come in and discuss this afternoons incident with you? |
Dorf | I’m not sure I can help. I wasn’t there. I have an alibi. Ask Aggie and Bettie. |
Charlie | I have just come from them. They told me you were there and your involvement. |
Mandy | Silly old bats. I knew they would mess it up. You had better come in then. We were only trying to help. |
Charlie | Thank you. Can we all take a seat and you can tell me all about it. |
Mandy | As I said we were only trying to help. Dorf spotted the guy up on the roof of the mill house. He thought it would b a good idea to get him down. |
Charlie | So you climbed up on the roof to talk to him? |
Mandy | Well we tried shouting at him from the ground. That’s when he stopped scrabbling about on the roof and started flapping his arms. |
Dorf | And clucking. |
Charlie | Clucking? |
Dorf | Yes, like a chicken. |
Mandy | I don’t think that is important. So he was flapping his arms and looked like he was going to jump off the roof. Dorf found the ladder he used to get up there and climbed up to try and talk some sense to the guy. |
Charlie | The clucking may be important. It all has to go into my report. Why do you think he was clucking? |
Mandy | I’d be more worried that he was trying to fly off the roof of a building. I’d say a complete nutter. |
Charlie | We can’t say that about people. Well not without knowing for sure. Aggie and Bettie did say he was odd and strange. Any way I haven’t taken your details yet. I’ll start with you Dorf. Name and address please. |
Dorf | Dorf Crefept. Errrrr, 999 Letsby Avenue. |
Charlie | That isn’t around here? |
Dorf | No. Errrr, it’s quite far. You’ll never have heard of it. |
Charlie | Can you tell me where? |
Dorf | It’s in England. It’s another land far far away. |
Charlie | I’ve not heard of that either. I was very good at geography. |
Dorf | I’m sure Aggie or Bettie can fill you in where it is from here. They know better about these things. |
Charlie | Errrm, Okay. And your age? |
Dorf | 28. |
Charlie | Thank you. And Mandy, your full details please. |
Mandy | Amanda Shaw. 53 Castle Street. 27. |
Charlie | Ah! I know Castle Street, but I didn’t know you were from the town. |
Mandy | I’m not. It’s a different Castle Street, same place where Dorf is from. |
Charlie | Eng Land? Okay. Why are you both here? |
Dorf | We’re looking for someone. We followed him here. We think he’s left now. |
Charlie | Is this someone I need to talk to in connection with Mr Wiggan? |
Dorf | Who? |
Charlie | Mr. Wiggan. The man on the roof. |
Dorf | Errrm. Possibly. But it won’t help. |
Charlie | What’s the name of the person you were looking for? |
Dorf | Eric. |
Charlie | Can you describe him and do you think he pushed Mr Wiggan off the roof? |
Dorf | Errr, no I can’t describe him. Eric was never on the roof. |
Charlie | If you’re following this person how can you not know what they look like? |
Dorf | Okay, 5 foot tall. |
Charlie | Can you give me a few more details? |
Mandy | Shouldn’t we get back to the guy on the roof? I wouldn’t worry about Eric. |
Charlie | Are you saying this Eric is not involved. And one of you pushed Mr Wiggan off the roof. Aggie and Bettie gave me reason to believe it was you who pushed him off. |
Mandy | Are those old witches insane? I never went near him. Though with all that arm flapping and clucking I did tell him to cluck off. |
Dorf | Mr Wiggan had just gone mad. We think he met Eric. |
Charlie | So you are saying it was Eric that did it? Did he give him something or hypnotise him? |
Dorf | I don’t think he gave him anything or said anything in particular to him. Possibly just meeting him could have been enough. |
Charlie | Does he have some strange contagious madness condition? |
Dorf | No. He’s just a little different. |
Charlie | I think you need to tell me a little more about this Eric. |
Mandy | Do you get many weird things happen in your village? |
Charlie | No, this is a normal little village. What has that got to do with anything? Well some of the things Aggie & Bettie do are a little odd. |
Mandy | I bet. They have met Eric. |
Charlie | They never mentioned him. What can you tell me about him? |
Mandy | No clucking. Or trying to fly. |
Charlie | Sorry? Can you just describe Eric to me? What’s so special about him? |
Mandy | Well he’s 5 foot tall covered in white feathers and looks like a chicken. |
Charlie | Pardon? He dresses like a chicken? |
Mandy | No…. He is a chicken. |
Charlie | You expect me to believe this Eric person is a chicken? |
Mandy | We think that’s why the guy jumped, well tried to fly off. He see Eric was a chicken and then decided he was one too. |
Charlie | But chickens don’t fly. |
Mandy | That’s what you took from that. I’m guessing your Mr Wiggan didn’t now that. |
Dorf | We had chickens. Much smaller ones. They can flap and fly a little. Probably flap down from a roof without any harm. But Mr Wiggan wasn’t a chicken. |
Charlie | So you’re telling me Mr Wiggan thought he was a chicken after meeting a 5 foot chicken? |
Dorf | Well, that’s what we think happened. He may not have met Eric and it’s all a coincidence. But he definitely thought he was a chicken. |
Charlie | This is a lot to write up. No one’s going to believe this. |
Mandy | But you’re saying you do? |
Charlie | Well it’s never been wrong before. |
Mandy | What’s that? |
Charlie | It’s a stone. Belonged to my great grandfather Thomas. It gets warm when someone is lying to me. Aggie says it’s me. I have a sharp brain and just know and think the stone is warm. |
Mandy | Bet it gets warm when she says that. |
Charlie | Yes. Why are you trying to find Eric? |
Dorf | He has something we need. |
Mandy | And you can’t have a 5 foot chicken jumping into different dimensions causing mischief. |
Charlie | Different dimensions? I think I’m going home now. Bettie made me a tonic for days like this. |
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