Tag: Millie

  • Connections


    Millie sat down by a fallen tree. She needed a few minutes to think. Yesterday had been very strange and unexpected. She had only taken the job to earn a little bit of money so she could leave the village and travel. She had expected to have had to work there a little longer before…

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  • Whodunit?


    A very strange whodunit story that took a strange turn after a simple mistake in the writing. Our story starts in the sitting room. Dinner is over and all the guests are gathered for after dinner mints.

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  • Once Upon A Time

    Once Upon A Time

    Once upon a time, long, long ago in a land far, far away, nothing was happening. Life was as boring as could be. Nothing out of the ordinary ever happened. Everyone was reasonably happy. Everyone had enough money to get by. No one was too rich or too poor, had too much or too little…

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