Little Injuns

Aumhur avatar
Cowboy 1There are a lot of injuns down on that reservation.
Cowboy 2Yup, partner.
Cowboy 1I wonder what type of injuns they are.
Cowboy 2Well partner. There is a lot of different injuns down there. You point one out and I’ll tell you what kind they are.
Cowboy 1Okay partner. How about that one putting up the wigwam ?
Cowboy 2That’s an Apache.
Cowboy 1And that one, the one weaving that hair ?
Cowboy 2That ones a Sioux.
Cowboy 1And what about that one running through the camp with a pail of water, going ‘Nee Nah, Nee Nah!’ ?
Cowboy 2Ah! That’s just a Fire Injun !!!

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