A Forest Walk

Aumhur avatar

Aggie and Bettie are two old friends that have some less than usual conversations. This one was while they were walking in a forest and passed a fallen tree.

AggieOoooo Look! That tree’s gone and fallen over.
BettieOh dear! Are you sure it fell over?
AggieOf course it did, it wouldn’t just appear there.
BettieHow do you know? You know what the say.
AggieWhat? That trees don’t fall over they just appear there. That’s silly, I seen a tree fall over when I was a little girl.
BettieI see one fall just last week. Big thing it was, came crashing to the ground and knocked a little tree over too.
AggieThe tree I saw when I was a little girl was enormous and thundered to the ground taking two other trees with it. Big trees they were too.
BettieCoo, what a sight. I bet it hurt your ears all that noise.
AggieOh yes. So noisy it made my ears bleed. You don’t get trees crashing to the ground like that nowadays.
BettieNo, much quieter trees nowadays.
AggieSo what do they say?
AggieWhat do they say about the trees?
BettieOh that. You know. ‘If a tree falls and no one hears it, does it make a sound?’
AggieDo they? What a silly thing to say. Trees are always noisy when they fall.
BettieBut what if it didn’t fall?
AggieEh? It did fall you just said it did.
BettieNo I never.
AggieYou did. You said it fell without making a sound ‘coz no one heard it.
BettieBut if it fell without making a sound., did it fall?
AggieIt did fall. It can’t get on the ground otherwise.
BettieBut you said all trees make a noise when they fall. So if it didn’t make a noise it couldn’t have fallen.
AggieCooo! I think you’re right. Do you know there could be trees all over the place that we don’t hear that are standing up one day and laying on the ground the next.
BettieIt makes you think doesn’t it?
AggieDoes it? I suppose it does.
BettieOh yes, it definitely makes you think. Think about all those lumberjacks.
AggieOoooo! All those muscley lumberjacks with their big choppers.
BettieOh yes! Can’t forget their big choppers.
AggieI wouldn’t mind a lumberjack at home. With his muscles and big chopper.
BettieAlfie wouldn’t like it though.
AggieNo, poor Alfie. He wouldn’t like it at all. Anyway why are we thinking about them?
BettieThinking about who?
AggieThe lumberjacks.
BettieOh them! Oh yes! Well all that hard work they do, there’s no need for it.
AggieThere isn’t?
BettieOooh no! They should all leave the woods and wait for the trees to appear on the ground, save all the chopping.
AggieOoooo yes! So it would. Be a lot easier. They can get on with their singing then.
BettieSinging, do they sing then?
AggieOooo yes! Haven’t you seen them on the telly? Singing about chopping down trees and dressing up.
BettieThey’ll just have to sing about waiting for trees now.
AggieAnd dressing up.
BettieOoooo yes! Can’t forget the dressing up. What do they dress up in?
AggieI wouldn’t know. Silly people they are.
BettieYes, yes, that is true.
AggieOh look! Another tree.
BettieI wonder if that one fell.
AggieI bet it made a lot of noise if it did.
BettieYes, big crashing noises like thunder.
AggieOh yes! I’ve always liked the noise of thunder.
BettieYes, and the crackle of lightning.
AggieLightning doesn’t make a noise. If it did I’m sure it would be a whizz not a crackle.
BettieIt sort of gives a crackley feeling. You know, all that natural electricity.
AggieCoo yes, the electricity. Especially the blue ones.
BettieYes much nicer than the white lightning.
AggieYes. Alfie likes the blue electricity too.
BettieNo dear, I think its Electric Blue that Alfie likes.
AggieOh yes. Though he does get breathless after watching it for a few minutes.
BettieWell the lightning always does that to me.
AggieOoooooooo look! Another tree.
BettieOooooooo yes! There’s something sitting on it. Can’t quite make it out.
AggieIt’s quite small and has a fuzzy face.
BettieOooooh! Is there a helicopter near by?
AggieA Helicopter?
BettieYes, if there is it’s probably Noel Edmonds.
AggieNo, it has a bushy tail though.
BettieOh. Then it’s a squirrel. That’s how you tell the difference between them.
AggieI see. So Noel has a helicopter and squirrels have bushy tails.
BettieThat’s right.
AggieWell let’s go and get a nice cup of tea.
BettieOooo! That’s a good idea. We can have a mindless natter over it. We get so little time for mindless natters nowadays.
AggieYes. Got all this philosophical thinking to do about trees.
BettieAnd Noel Edmonds.
AggieOh yes! Can’t forget Noel Edmonds.

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This site contains various stories, skits and other random stuff that has passed through my mind at some point or other. Some posts may be inspired by others or parodied from but never plain copied.

This is my original work unless stated otherwise.

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