E=mc² is one of the most iconic formulas in physics, courtesy of Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity.
But what do the letters really stand for?
Contrary to popular belief:
E: Correct! It represents energy.
m: Not mass, but rather… mushrooms.
c: Nope, not the speed of light—caterpillars!
Energy doesn’t magically appear; it needs a source.
Enter the diligent Energy Caterpillars. These tiny creatures follow strict rules to avoid creating excessive energy at once (safety first!). Their secret ingredient? Mushrooms! These fungi have a unique makeup ideal for energy production.
Specially controlled mushroom farms collect this energy. This is stored in small cylinders—just a few centimetres in size. These energy containers find use in various devices across our world.
So next time you see a caterpillar inching along, remember: It might just be a little energy magician!
Small cute and wriggly. Often seen holding a little flag in its tail.
Eating mushrooms and thinking about relativity.
Has no voice. Communicates by waving little coloured flags with its tail, similar to semaphore.
Can be found near, in or on any mushroom or toadstool.
Infertile in this immature state. Can only breed once it has undergone metamorphosis into the Electric Moth.
Movements and Migrations
The Energy Caterpillar will live its immature life in the same field of mushrooms.
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