Aggie | I have been thinking again. |
Bettie | Oh. You didn’t get a migraine did you? |
Aggie | No, I try not to think too hard, I don’t like those migraines. |
Bettie | I made a cure for them. |
Aggie | Yes, but it always gives me the hiccups. |
Bettie | I have a cure for those too. |
Aggie | And that puts spots before my eyes. |
Bettie | There is an easy cure for spots before the eyes. |
Aggie | I know, but that gives me a migraine. |
Bettie | Oh, never mind. Maybe one day I will make a cure without any side effects. |
Aggie | At least the side effects aren’t as bad as your cough mixture. |
Bettie | That was only one batch. I think that was too much vinegar. |
Aggie | Are you sure it was the vinegar? Poor Albert was bright orange for a month. |
Bettie | Errrm, maybe it was something else. |
Aggie | Like what? |
Bettie | Oh, I don’t know. |
Aggie | Come on, what did you put in the cough mixture? |
Bettie | Maybe it was the curry powder. |
Aggie | Curry powder does not make you go orange. |
Bettie | A lot of it might. |
Aggie | Even a lot of curry powder wouldn’t turn you orange. |
Bettie | It might. |
Aggie | I put a whole pot in your stew last week and you didn’t turn orange. |
Bettie | I went red. |
Aggie | But only for a moment. |
Bettie | But what if I added more. |
Aggie | How much more than one pot? |
Bettie | Well you know the barrel of curry powder you keep in the cellar? |
Aggie | Yes? |
Bettie | I took out a whole bucket full. |
Aggie | You put in a whole bucket full? No wonder poor Albert went orange, but surely he wouldn’t have stayed orange for so long. |
Bettie | I didn’t put the bucket of curry powder in. |
Aggie | You didn’t? So why did Albert turn orange? |
Bettie | Now I think about it, it was definitely the curry powder. |
Aggie | With less than a bucket full? |
Bettie | No, with quite a lot. |
Aggie | You said you didn’t put all the bucket in. |
Bettie | I didn’t put any of the curry powder from the bucket in. I left the bucket in the cellar in case you wanted some. |
Aggie | I would have just taken some out of the barrel. |
Bettie | Ah, you see I used what was left in the barrel. |
Aggie | You used a whole barrel of curry powder in the cough mixture? |
Bettie | Not the whole barrel. I took out a bucket full first. I knew it would be silly to use a whole barrel full. |
Aggie | I doubt one bucket full would have made that much difference. |
Bettie | I’m sure it would have. Quite a bit of difference. |
Aggie | Really? How much difference? |
Bettie | Well, poor Albert was nearly dead afterwards. |
Aggie | You nearly killed Albert? |
Bettie | Very much so. I did cure his cough though, and I think he had a flu coming too. |
Aggie | Poor Albert. What did he say afterwards? |
Bettie | For a while nothing. Then he looked in the mirror. Then he said ‘Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh!’ |
Aggie | I’m not surprised. Poor Albert. |
Bettie | Well he is much better now. He hasn’t mentioned having a cough since. |
Aggie | Neither would I if I knew you were going to nearly kill me just to cure it. |
Bettie | I never killed him. It was only nearly. |
Aggie | Still looks a little orange though. |
Bettie | He just tells everyone he’s just been on holiday. |
Aggie | Bless him. |
Bettie | I had to, after nearly killing him. |
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