Cough Mixture

Aumhur avatar
AggieI have been thinking again.
BettieOh. You didn’t get a migraine did you?
AggieNo, I try not to think too hard, I don’t like those migraines.
BettieI made a cure for them.
AggieYes, but it always gives me the hiccups.
BettieI have a cure for those too.
AggieAnd that puts spots before my eyes.
BettieThere is an easy cure for spots before the eyes.
AggieI know, but that gives me a migraine.
BettieOh, never mind. Maybe one day I will make a cure without any side effects.
AggieAt least the side effects aren’t as bad as your cough mixture.
BettieThat was only one batch. I think that was too much vinegar.
AggieAre you sure it was the vinegar? Poor Albert was bright orange for a month.
BettieErrrm, maybe it was something else.
AggieLike what?
BettieOh, I don’t know.
AggieCome on, what did you put in the cough mixture?
BettieMaybe it was the curry powder.
AggieCurry powder does not make you go orange.
BettieA lot of it might.
AggieEven a lot of curry powder wouldn’t turn you orange.
BettieIt might.
AggieI put a whole pot in your stew last week and you didn’t turn orange.
BettieI went red.
AggieBut only for a moment.
BettieBut what if I added more.
AggieHow much more than one pot?
BettieWell you know the barrel of curry powder you keep in the cellar?
BettieI took out a whole bucket full.
AggieYou put in a whole bucket full? No wonder poor Albert went orange, but surely he wouldn’t have stayed orange for so long.
BettieI didn’t put the bucket of curry powder in.
AggieYou didn’t? So why did Albert turn orange?
BettieNow I think about it, it was definitely the curry powder.
AggieWith less than a bucket full?
BettieNo, with quite a lot.
AggieYou said you didn’t put all the bucket in.
BettieI didn’t put any of the curry powder from the bucket in. I left the bucket in the cellar in case you wanted some.
AggieI would have just taken some out of the barrel.
BettieAh, you see I used what was left in the barrel.
AggieYou used a whole barrel of curry powder in the cough mixture?
BettieNot the whole barrel. I took out a bucket full first. I knew it would be silly to use a whole barrel full.
AggieI doubt one bucket full would have made that much difference.
BettieI’m sure it would have. Quite a bit of difference.
AggieReally? How much difference?
BettieWell, poor Albert was nearly dead afterwards.
AggieYou nearly killed Albert?
BettieVery much so. I did cure his cough though, and I think he had a flu coming too.
AggiePoor Albert. What did he say afterwards?
BettieFor a while nothing. Then he looked in the mirror. Then he said ‘Aaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhh!’
AggieI’m not surprised. Poor Albert.
BettieWell he is much better now. He hasn’t mentioned having a cough since.
AggieNeither would I if I knew you were going to nearly kill me just to cure it.
BettieI never killed him. It was only nearly.
AggieStill looks a little orange though.
BettieHe just tells everyone he’s just been on holiday.
AggieBless him.
BettieI had to, after nearly killing him.

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