Category: Songs
Bruce’s Song
This was completely written by AI (no changes) from the following prompt: “create a song about bruce the guinea pig who likes snuggles, hay and dried peas”
Camp’s been good to me so far
The idea for this one came to me in the car one morning when ‘Life’s been good to me so far’ played on the radio.So obviously sung to the tune of ‘Life’s been good to me so far’. I have a big tent, I forget the priceAin’t never been home, they tell me it’s niceI…
Can I play With Matches?
A small 6 year old Beaver had a question for their leaders. Here is a song all about that question.
There are many people in Scouting that are very good and very much enjoy starting fires. This song is about one of them, though could easily be about many of them.
Johnny Be Well
This song was written for a certain Scout leader in our district. He was very accident prone. Sung to the tune of Johnny Be Good.
- Aggie & Bettie (5)
- Curious Creatures (11)
- Dorf (1)
- Garden (2)
- Songs (6)
- Website (5)
- Witterings (21)