Author: Aumhur

  • 2B or Not 2B?

    2B or Not 2B?

    This was one of those silly thoughts that came one day when hearing the Hamlet quote. The lines said by the characters should have the same flow as the original. There was going to be more to this, but so far I haven’t got around to adding more, maybe I will be inspired and continue…

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  • The Speed of Darkness

    The Speed of Darkness

    It has been known for a long time how fast light travels. But what about the speed of darkness? Darkness moves in a different way to light, thus travels at a different speed. But is it faster or slower than light? Or does it depend on the circumstances. Let us take a simple example, the…

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  • Do Cabbages Exist?

    Do Cabbages Exist?

    Aggie and Bettie are two old friends that have some odd conversations. Out for a walk they start talking about cabbages and if they are really here. And if not, what they will have for lunch.

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  • Cough Mixture

    Cough Mixture

    Aggie and Bettie are two old friends that have some rather odd conversations. This one is about Bettie’s home made cough mixture and some of the effects.

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  • More Pond Life

    More Pond Life

    Once spring arrived work on the ponds has progressed to the point where I can now say they are stable. I am sure we will find other jobs to do and things to change but for now they are complete. The Wildlife Pond The pond was really completed last year but the wife has added…

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  • Pond Life

    Pond Life

    The BIG feature of the garden was the pond. We knew the pond had been neglected by the previous owners of the house and had been told there was no life other than an abundance of lily. The plan was to cut down the size of the pond and turn it into a wildlife pond…

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  • Twigs For Burnin’ You Fire

    Twigs For Burnin’ You Fire

    A song for a fire on a cold night?

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  • Firestarter


    There are many people in Scouting that are very good and very much enjoy starting fires. This song is about one of them, though could easily be about many of them.

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