Author: Aumhur

  • Crop Circle Locusts

    Crop Circle Locusts

    These peculiar creatures have baffled both scientists and conspiracy theorists alike. The Crop Circle Locusts are highly intelligent beings, albeit with a penchant for mischief. They travel from field to field, devouring mathematical circle patterns in crops. But why? Simply put, it amuses them! These intricate crop circles, seen in various locations worldwide, are their…

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  • The Baby Turtles

    The Baby Turtles

    Have you ever been typing, especially late at night, and found certain letters that you typed appeared in the wrong order, or did not appear?  This is caused by the baby turtles. These tiny, invisible creatures are experts at causing mischief in our devices. They hide in computer keyboards, fuse boxes, and light switches, wreaking…

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  • An Update

    An Update

    It has been quite some time since I have written anything new on my website. And as of yet (unless you count this) there is still nothing new. The first change has been the design and how the content is categorised. I found a WordPress theme that was near what I wanted, but is editable…

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  • A Flat World

    A Flat World

    This was originally written over 20 years ago. I have updated it, to expand on some of the ideas, add a few new and take out the references to the millennium bug which is what told me I wrote it 20 years ago. Have you ever wondered how we would cope if the world was…

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  • An Idea (or how to get one)

    An Idea (or how to get one)

    Sometimes we all need help getting the brain working. I was trying to write some stories but was a bit stuck. So I used the following method to help me come up with some ideas. This gave me eighteen words and from these eighteen words I came up with eighteen titles.  Some of the stories…

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  • Camp’s been good to me so far

    Camp’s been good to me so far

    The idea for this one came to me in the car one morning when ‘Life’s been good to me so far’ played on the radio.So obviously sung to the tune of  ‘Life’s been good to me so far’. I have a big tent, I forget the priceAin’t never been home, they tell me it’s niceI…

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  • Whodunit?


    A very strange whodunit story that took a strange turn after a simple mistake in the writing. Our story starts in the sitting room. Dinner is over and all the guests are gathered for after dinner mints.

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  • Camping with Fire

    Camping with Fire

    There is nothing better than camping with open fires. We’ve been lucky this year, finding two great campsites that allow open fires. Both farms, both very friendly and both selling their own produce for us to savour. Both we will visit again. I will add both websites to my links and link them here once…

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