More Than One Way

Aumhur avatar

This was originally written way back in 1998.
9 years before my son was born; but his name happened to be the first name I picked for this skit.
The other character was called John, but as Adam has a friend called Jake
, I changed it to that.

I seriously hope this skit is something they will never act out, or anything similar, but some days I do wonder….

AdamNope, that wont work either.
JakeWhat wont work?
AdamThis. I’m trying to use a fork this time.
JakeNo luck?
AdamNope, it wont work with the fork. I’m sure you were wrong.
JakeTry using something else, there must be another way to do it.
AdamAre you sure? I think using the knife was the only way.
JakeOf course you can, there must be more than one way.
AdamI dunno, I’m sure that was the only way.
JakeHere, try this knife instead.
AdamNo. I think that would still be the same way. It has to be done a different way. Not just with a different size knife.
JakeWell, you would really need something sharp. These other kitchen utensils just wont do.
AdamYeah, I tried the fish slice first.
JakeAny luck?
AdamNo luck at all.
JakeWell as I said there is more than one way.
AdamHmmm….. I wonder if boiling it, and then peeling it off will work.
JakeIt has to be worth a try. I’ll go and get a saucepan, you get another one of them.
AdamThat’s going to take some time. I’ll see if I can find another method to be getting on with.
JakeShall I put it in before the water boils or after?
AdamHmmm …. put two on we can try it both ways.
JakeOkay, good idea. I hope this works.
AdamYes. This is a lot of work just to check if a saying is true.
JakeI am sure it is.
A little time passes.
AdamWell the water has boiled. I’ll put the other one in.
JakeOkay, I can’t wait to see the results.
AdamMe neither.
A little more time passes.
JakeIt looks like they’re done.
AdamOkay. You take one and I’ll do the other.
JakeCoo, it’s peeling off really easily.
AdamYes, this one too.
JakeWell it is true then. There really is more than one way to skin a cat.

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This site contains various stories, skits and other random stuff that has passed through my mind at some point or other. Some posts may be inspired by others or parodied from but never plain copied.

This is my original work unless stated otherwise.

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