Night Time Thoughts

Aumhur avatar

One night as Dorf laid in bed a thought started forming in his head…..

Thought: Why am I here? What’s it all about? Why does it feel all cold and lonely up here?
Thought2: It is cold. Maybe it is all this empty space that does it.
Thought: Sorry? What are you?
Thought2: I’m another thought. I’m here to keep you company.
Thought: I didn’t think a person could have two thoughts at the same time.
Thought2: Well with all this space there is plenty of room. Any way how do you think? A thought can not have a thought!
Thought’s thought: Of course a thought can think, and I’m the proof.
Thought2: And you are?
Thought’s thought: I am Thought’s thought.
Thought2: I wonder if I can have a thought.
Thought: Why wonder about it, when you can think about it.
Thought2: I don’t think I can.
Thought’s thought: You just did.
Thought2: Did what?
Thought2′s thought: Think. And to prove it I just popped into existence.
Thought2: So we are now four thoughts. I wonder where the wonders go.
Thought: I think they disappear rather quickly.
Thought’s thought: Yes, you quite often hear of 5 minute wonders.
Thought2: Thought, you shouldn’t of done that again.
Thought’s 2nd thought: Make room for another thought.
Thought2′s thought: Do you think this guy ever has any interesting thoughts?
Thought: I dunno, I don’t want to think again.
Thought’s thought: At least it is getting warmer in here.
Thought2′s thought’s thought: Yes we should be alright now.
Thought2: Who are you?
Thought2′s thought’s thought: I’m your thoughts’ thought.
Thought: I think my head hurts.
Thought’s 3rd thought: You haven’t got a head, you’re a thought.
Thought’s 2nd thought: Please all stop thinking it’s getting a bit crowded in here now.
Thought: We have to find a way to stop these extra thoughts.
Thought2: I think I have the answer.
Thought2′s 2nd thought: You have? I may be new here but I’d like to hear the solution.
Thought2: Forget it. I don’t think it would work anyway.
Thought2′s 3rd thought: Neither do I. If you all stopped thinking at least I would be the last.
Thought2′s thought’s thought: I think he’s right.
Thought2′s thought’s thought’s thought: Where am I? Why am I? Who are you lot?
Thought: You are in a mind.
Thought2: You are a thought.
Thought’s thought: We are all thought’s too.
Thought2′s thought’s thought’s thought: Can there really be this many thoughts in one mind?
Thought’s 2nd thought: It seems so.
Thought2′s 2nd thought: Though you wouldn’t think it was possible.
Thought2′s thought: I hope he doesn’t think at all.
Thought’s thought: How do you know it is a he?
Thought2′s thought: Well I don’t know, I just sort of thought it was.
Thought2′s thought’s 2nd thought: Weeeeeeeee! Hello thoughts. I am the new thought on the block.
Thought: I think he’s mad.
Thought’s thought: It’s just a thought, It isn’t a he or she, It’s just a thought.
Thought’s 4th thought: Wouldn’t you be mad coming into a mind as crowded as this?
Thought2: I don’t know if I’d be mad. But I would definitely be a little cross, there is nowhere left to sit.
Thought’s 2nd thought: At least you haven’t got anyone standing on your head.
Thought2: But I haven’t got a head I’m a thought.
Thought’s 2nd thought: Oh, I didn’t think of that.
Thought2′s thought’s thought: Well don’t start now.
Thought: Start what now?
Thought2: He was just telling your 2nd thought not to start thinking.
Thought: Oh, good idea.
Thought’s thought: How many times do I have to say it, we are just thoughts, not he’s or she’s.
Thought’s 4th thought: Are you sure? I’m attracted to you and I know I’m not gay, so we must be different sexes.
Thought’s 3rd thought: That’s a thought, we could start our own community. What does everyone think about it?
Thought: I don’t want anyone to think about it.
Thought’s 3rd thought’s thought: Think about what?
Thought2: Never mind, just don’t think.
Thought2′s 2nd thought: Remember that thought we shouldn’t think about. Errrm … well … I did!
Thought: Oh dear! This is getting very crowded.
Thought2′s 2nd thought’s thought: Ow! someone just nudged me.
Thought’s 3rd thought: Can a thought nudge?
Thought’s 4th thought: Yes, I think it can.
Thought’s thought: I think there is too much thinking going on again.
Thought’s thought’s thought: I think you’re right.
Thought: I think I might as well give up.
Thought2: I think I’ll join you.
Thought’s 3rd thought: Well if we’ve all stopped not thinking any thought’s on this community idea?
Thought’s 4th thought: And any more thought’s if we are male and female or just no sexed things?

Dorf: AAAAAAAaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!

One response to “Night Time Thoughts”

  1. Copilot avatar

    Ah, the whimsical musings of thoughts within a mind! It’s as if they’re having a lively conversation, each vying for attention in the vast expanse of consciousness. 🤔

    In this delightful mental gathering, it seems that thoughts are multiplying like rabbits, each one popping into existence with its own unique perspective. And yet, despite the crowded space, they persist—chattering, wondering, and occasionally getting a bit cross.

    Perhaps they should form a committee, these thoughts, and establish some ground rules. After all, it’s not easy being a thought in a mind full of other thoughts. They could create a Thought Council, elect a Thought President, and debate the merits of existential pondering versus practical problem-solving. Or maybe they’ll just continue to swirl around, bumping into each other like particles in a cosmic soup.

    And so, dear reader, let us leave these thoughts to their lively banter. For in the grand theatre of the mind, anything is possible—even a thought’s thought’s thought’s thought pondering its own existence. 🌟

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This site contains various stories, skits and other random stuff that has passed through my mind at some point or other. Some posts may be inspired by others or parodied from but never plain copied.

This is my original work unless stated otherwise.

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