We Are Never Wrong
We can start from any point and get to the correct. We will never end up in the wrong place. If the place is not where we were going then this is the place we should be. The right place.. Words are never wrong. If not what we thought we were writing then it is…
Nothing New
Not yet anyway. The initial phase of the update is now over. Many of my original witterings have…
Night Time Thoughts
One night as Dorf laid in bed a thought started forming in his head….. Thought: Why am I here?…
Talking Chickens
These chatty creatures happily engage in conversations with anyone or anything, except when it comes to discussing the…
Pickled Squirrels
The elusive Pickled Squirrel! It seems to have quite a unique lifestyle. The Pickled Squirrel’s existence primarily benefits…
Latent Buzzard
he Latent Buzzard is quite an intriguing and somewhat somber creature. It spends most of its life in…
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